New Year, time for a new marketing focus

Content is king - crown with marketing words

The New Year is always a good time to take stock and do some work “on” your business as opposed to continually being trapped “in” it.  

Ideally this will include a review and refresh of your marketing plan (take a look at Review your marketing plan to improve targeting and messages and The importance of your marketing plan). But even just a simple marketing “to-do” plan for the year based on your marketing objectives, priorities and target market will provide structure to your marketing throughout the year

Whilst some will say that marketing in an online age is completely different to traditional marketing, in reality the basic principles remain the same – as ever it’s about identifying and attracting new prospects, converting them to customers and instilling their loyalty. Their lifetime value to your business encompasses the recommendations they make on your behalf and the new customers they bring to you too. 

However, the term “content is king”, so commonly used in the new online age of marketing, is a favourite with us too. Storytelling has, of course, been around since the year dot as a means to influence prospects and customers, but modern content marketing goes a lot further with the content (e.g. article, blog, video) as the bedrock of relevant information and inspiration for distribution and promotion across the plethora of media channels nowadays at our disposal.  

So our “to-do” plan for our marketing is based on our content plan, which in turn is based on our knowledge of our target market and indeed the “personas” we create to bring our potential customers to life and enable us to communicate appropriately with them.

As for distribution, along with the ever increasing number of social media platforms, simple email marketing is still one of THE most effective ways to win new customers – once permission has been granted for contact using this medium.  

Free – useful notepad for your Marketing ToDo’s or any deserving purpose! We sent neat little notepads to our clients for New Year, incorporating a reminder to make 2020 marketing to-do lists – also to remind them that Bartley Marketing is always willing and able to help with all aspects of marketing.

If you’d like one of our notepads please get in touch and we’ll be pleased to send it to you – the only proviso will be your permission for us to add you to our email marketing list!

And as ever if you’d like to chat about any aspect of your marketing, PR and communications, give us a call! We would love to hear about your business issues and discuss your marketing needs, in a free, no commitment initial discussion.